Wednesday, March 18, 2009


There are products that are good and meet all the requirements and practical, but there is that nagging feeling that something is missing.. a feeling compounded by views and reviews....( Thanks to internet anybody who can frame a sentence and has a thought can express it...).

This is where ingenuity comes in . The one thing that separates the good from the best....

There have been many ingenious products and innovators..but for me the till date the most ingenious product is an automobile... Yeah !!! you read that write... ( I know there are a lot of techie eyebrows raising and begging to differ but...). It has changed the world for ever..

Coming to the central theme of ingenuity and automobiles, the one man that lead this race in india . is none other than the man of the moment ..Mr. Ratan Tata.

His passion and ingenious thinking have given us products like the Indica.. Which when being conceptualised ......In his own words " A car the size of a Maruti and the spaciousness of the Ambassador( Ambassador remember..... The white bubble like thing on wheels that ferrys the Netas ) and Diesel engine" ..was thought to be infeasible , impossible and so on . But here we are today celebrating the 10th anniversary of the same thing and of course the apple of the eye of the automobile industry ..the new kid on the block.. call it whatever... The Nano. Again quoting the man himself" A car which can carry four people comfortably and cost only Rs. 1 Lakh".. the bean counters and analyst thought this concept would'nt be feasible. Everybody from engineers to industry heads thought that this was an impossible feat. but here we are just a few days away from its launch.

Indica, Nano and the recently launched Xenon XT all are a paradigm shift from what the norm is in the market....and the results are here for us to see (Do I hear all the Techies and bean counters... "THE NON BELIEVERS" crunching their words).

This also reminds the anecdote of the "Deaf Frog".. you know the one that climbed to the top of the well...while the others listened to ...... whatever.

All of Mr. Tata's concepts was written off by the so called experts of the field. But he Kept ploughing ahead..

As somebody rightly said and I quote " Winners don't do different things.. They just do things differently" ( Sorry ... can't find the link for that one. But I'm Damn sure I read it somewhere..)

Lesson: There are many to be learnt..But I think...(and I always wanted to say this,but was waiting for the right moment, guess this is it) "Dont let anybody tell you what you can or cannot do.You want something, go get it! period."

Disclaimer: This Blog is not intended to offend on anyone. Any such quotes or comments is purely unintentional and coincidental.

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