Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dreamz unlimited....

Yes, that is the name of a famous bollywood star's production company. Thats not what this is about. This is about our dreams... Dreamz unlimited. The Dream of making a good life for us and our family, the dreams of finding a beautiful partner, of finding that Dream Job. starting your own company, being the best student in your class...........Dreamz Unlimited...... Everybody dreams of all these things and more but only some seem to realise their dreams.. why? Are they the god's favourite child? Or just plain lucky..... Not everybody seems to have an answer for this question.
What is that makes some people's dreams turn into realty... What is that one thing separetes a dreamer from a visionary?
I know ..I know.. there are hundred answers that comes to one's mind for that question. But how many of you have asked this questions to yourself. When was the last time you took a stock of your dreams? when was the last time you actually made an attempt to reach for the proverbial stars....... Too many questions???
Some times its important to question ourselves. our thoughts , our belief's and our actions. How close are we to our dreams?
Day dreamers or visionaries....... Who do we want to be?. It's all upto us.

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