Sunday, May 10, 2009

Values- Do we have the right one's?

Many of us have begun our internships/hardships.For most of us this is our first tyrst with the " Real World" as they call it. Many of us must have had a first hand experience of what we've been reading and talking about for a while now......"Recession".

Many leaders agree that the current slowdown is a great teacher. Each mistake and oversight teaches you a lesson -the hard way. Never before the leaders of the world have faced a tougher test, that too after their best innings ever. What’s more heartening is their response to the situation… The old adage “Deer caught in the headlights” best describe their initial reaction.

With each bad news, more and more management blunders came out of the woodwork, the skeletons started coming out of the closets and haven’t stopped yet…..The management fraternity has been caught offguard. They were unprepared to deal with a crisis of this magnitude.

The delayed projects, brutal layoffs, drastic pay cuts, sudden reshuffling of the top managements and unrealistic cost cuts are just knee-jerk reaction to this situation.

Warren Buffet once said “ It's only when the tide ebbs you find out who is swimming naked” and sadly many of the leaders have been found without the proverbial fig leaf to cover up their short comings.

But there are few companies who have managed to survive and are still braving it out and should say, doing a good job of it.. Companies like HDFC, L&T, Hero Honda continue to grow profitably despite the downturn. Tata and Infosys might be having a rough ride but have managed to take tough decisions with maturity and dignity.

The reason being these companies (Leaders) have a clear set of values, a sense of urgency on what needs to be done and clarity on where they want go. Don't get me wrong, Those companies which faced the wrath also had "Values". The Gazillion Dollar question is, Did they have the right one's?

Well, I think We all know the "Satyam" behind that question.